Sunday, August 26, 2007


What a day! What an absolutely unforgettable day! I want you to know that God MOVED yesterday! My prayer, for the past six months, has been that lives would be transformed by a movement of God among us, and--PRAISE THE LORD!--I believe God answered that prayer! My life was changed, and I know that for over 300 girls who were present yesterday, God did a work in their hearts, too.

When we arrived at the church at 7:00 AM yesterday morning, it looked like this picture. It was quiet and serene, yet a buzz of activity was going on as members of Liberty Baptist were getting all the final morning details together. Thanks to the efforts of this loving church body, this conference came together like none other I have ever been a part of. Every detail was choreographed as part of a great master plan...and this church came together with the community as one great body--working not only hand in hand, but heart in heart. I have never seen anything like it. I am really amazed at how smoothly it all seemed to go. The Holy Spirit was spilling out over everything! As we gathered to pray before any of the girls got there, it was obvious that God had gone ahead of us, and He was coming behind us, and He was thoroughly enmeshed in every aspect of this day.

And then the girls started pouring in! As you can see here, we had a full house--a packed out, standing-room-only house! We'll have more pictures up in a few days, but I wanted to show you how full the church was! It was just incredible to see all your precious faces and get to talk to you and share with you what God had laid on my heart. Keep checking back here for pictures, and we are going to try to get podcasts and videos up of different portions of the conference, so that you can remember the things we talked about.

The Bible says that one of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to serve as a reminder to us of the things that God has taught us. My prayer for you now is that you will be reminded often of the things that we talked about, and that the Holy Spirit in you will also remind you of the commitment that you made to Christ in our last session. Lives were changed yesterday! Remember to keep the vision in front of you! Don't file it away! Don't let it get buried! Keep it UP FRONT!


Amber Sitz said...

I had the opportunity to share in this experience with the girls from our youth at Baugh Station Church.

I just wanted to say to all that coordinated and participated in this event, thank you for following the visions that God has placed in your lives.

It truly was a blessing and I know that these girls were given the tools to stand tall in their walk with God.

Thank You and God bless!

Anonymous said...

Yes! That day was unforgettable!!! I loved the conference! It was great! I just wish it was longer, lol! Bye.