Monday, July 30, 2007

Last Day to Register!

Many of you are procrastinators, like me!

Today is the last day to register, and people are still calling and getting signed up! Registrations are coming in from all over the area, and there is still time...all day register!

God wants you to meet with Him on this special day, August 25, in Auburn, Kentucky. He wants you to know how much you are loved and cherished. He wants you to experience His power and His presence, and He wants you to know that He has a plan and a purpose for your life.

His Power. His Presence. His Plan. His Purpose. Think about it:
  • Wouldn't it be great to make new friends?
  • Wouldn't it be wonderful to know more about God?
  • Wouldn't it be cool to say you were a part of a special day like this?
  • Wouldn't it be a day to remember, forever?
Join us. This day is for YOU. Don't miss it!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

How Can I Pray for the Girl of Worth Conference?

Prayer for this conference is essential, crucial, critical---imperative! Prayer is the foundation for everything.

I'm not really sure why some people hang prayer on the discount rack of life, like it doesn't really matter--like it doesn't do any good.

Prayer works! Prayer is powerful! Prayer can change things and circumstances, and most of all, prayer has the power to change people.

How can you pray for this conference?

First, pray for yourself. Pray that God will do a work in your heart. Pray that He will show you anything that is standing in the way of a close, tight relationship with him. Pray, "Lord, purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow" (Psalm 51:7). Ask God to help you understand how much He loves you.

Next, pray for the other girls who are coming to this conference. You never know what is going on in someone else's life, what another person may be going through, or what kind of life she lives at home. Girls may be coming with some deep needs, and God can meet those needs! Pray, "Lord, may the girls coming to this conference receive everything You have for them in full. You are faithful to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory" (Philippians 4:18, 19).

Pray for the conference team. Please pray that God would pour out His Holy Spirit on all of us in the weeks ahead. Pray that I'll know what to say and have the courage to say it at the right time, making known with boldness the mystery of the Gospel (Ephesians 6:19). Pray for Danya and Misty to "exult in glory and sing for joy with the high praises of God in their mouths and a two-edged sword in their hands" (Psalm 149: 5-6). Pray for the conference coordinators, Melody and Julia, as they tend to last minute details and all the administrating of this conference. Ask God to "renew their strength and increase their power" (Isaiah 40), that they would "run and not get tired."

Finally, pray for more people to join us in prayer as we pray for the Girl of Worth Conference! Remember: "You do not have because you do not ask" (James 4:2c). Let's ask!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Having Trouble Sending an Email to Melody?

If you've been having trouble sending an email to Melody in order to register for the conference, here's why:

It's been listed on here incorrectly!

Melody's email is:

Yes, even girls of worth make mistakes! So if you've been trying to email, please try again! Now that the deadline has been extended, there's still time, and we certainly don't want an email goof keeping YOU from getting out to Liberty Baptist Church on August 25th!

Friday, July 20, 2007



We have received 175 registrations for the Girl of Worth conference!! After numerous calls to the conference coordinators requesting just a little more time to get registrations in, the deadline has been EXTENDED to July 30th!!!

But in order to get the t-shirt order in, this is the absolute LATEST DATE for registrations to be received!

Do you want to be a part of this exciting day? A day to remember? A day that has been planned and prepared with you in mind?

There are people praying for you right now! Praying for God to allow you to come to this conference, praying for you to come and experience a day of worship and learning and connecting with Him in a special way...

We want YOU to be there! You've got ten more days to register! Don't delay!

I can't wait to meet YOU!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Did you miss last week's interviews? FAQ about the Girl of Worth Conference

If you missed last week's interviews, browse through this short list of frequently asked questions about the Girl of Worth conference!

Q: Why is there a need for a girls’ conference for this particular age group (6th – 9th grade)?

Rebecca: A couple of years ago, a group out in California did a study on this age group, and they tagged these years as the “Bermuda Triangle” of adolescence. Now, if you remember much about the Bermuda Triangle, that’s a place where ships sail in and are often never found again. That happens often with our kids. They sail in to their middle school years, and also that first year of high school, totally unprepared for the changes that are going to happen there, and what parents often find is that they lose their kid. The child that seemed well adjusted, bright, cheerful, and secure, is suddenly this totally different person. I believe there is a real need to set this group apart and say, OK—here are some things to be looking out for: physical, emotional, and sexual changes are going to be going on, and a lot of crazy things are going to be happening to your body and your mind. But look around!!! Everyone else is going through the same thing. You’re normal!

Q: What happens to girls as they approach the middle school age? When it comes to growing up, why is this age so difficult?

Rebecca: Girls especially can be very uncomfortable about the physical changes that are occurring. I don’t know if you remember middle school, but those were the worst years of my life! I felt like I had the body of an alien, and my mother tried to comfort me by telling me that everybody has an awkward age—but it always feels like you’re the only one—the only one with bad skin, bad hair, no friends. But the thing about these middle years is that all that surface stuff is distracting girls from what is really going on: They are growing up, and they are growing into a future that God has prepared for them! Adolescence is really just a bridge. It’s temporary; and if you can just see that there is another side and that you are going to get there, it will give you the strength and hope you need for the journey!

Q: If I’m a parent, why would I want my teen daughter to attend this conference?

Rebecca: This is going to be a day of encouragement and inspiration for these girls, especially as they face the challenges of another school year. It’s going to be a great kick-off. And you know, I’m a parent, and I want my kids to listen to me, and I know that most of the time they do, but there’s something about hearing a fresh voice. Sometimes a speaker can say something that a parent has been trying to say for a long time, but their phrasing is just different enough that their teenager will finally catch it, you know, they process it. Many times, a song can speak to kids louder than any message, and we’ve got great music planned for this event!

Q: If I'm a teen, why would I want to go to this conference?

Rebecca: I think the word for the day is going to be FUN!! This is going to be a really fun conference—great worship, passionate messages, a powerful testimony about self-image—and then we’ve got door prizes, t-shirts, tote bags, lunch by Fazoli’s, and a fashion show by Dillard’s in Bowling Green.

Q: How can a fashion show be used to build self-respect in girls?

Rebecca: We are an image-conscious culture, and here we are telling our kids to “just be yourself.” The truth is, they often really feel like they can’t be themselves, especially when it comes to what they wear. If our girls think they have to show off their young figures and their skin in order to be admired and to “feel” attractive, then we are really going backwards in this culture. It’s hard to respect yourself when you feel like your personhood rises and falls on whether or not you have a boyfriend. And this is the age when instead of acknowledging that they can be and do anything—it’s still all about who is the best looking. It’s absolutely crazy. You can be cute and comfortable without being provocative. Fashion has everything to do with creativity—we hope to show girls some creative alternatives to all the body-revealing clothes that they see on TV and the Internet.

Q: What is your vision for the conference?

Rebecca: My vision is transformation—for the girls, for the community, for myself. What I see is a day where everyone leaves changed!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Resources Available On Site

Many people have asked if Rebecca's resources will be available at the conference. Yes! They will be available, and they will be available at special, one-day-only, conference prices!

Wise Up! Experience the Power of Proverbs is for girls in 6th - 9th grades.

Get Real! Embrace the Reality of Ruth is for girls 7th grade and up.


Are we going to see your church at the Girl of Worth conference on August 25? Here's a list of the churches that have signed up so far:

Antioch Baptist Church
Baugh Station Baptist
Burton B. C.
Crittenden Drive Church of Christ
Crossroads at Logan
Dunmor B. C.
Eastwood B. C.
First Apostolic Church
Green River B. C.
Lake Spring B. C.
Little River B.C.
Living Hope B.C.
Living Waters Fellowship
Macedonia B.C.
Mt. Pleasant B.C.
Mt. Olivet B.C.
New Friendship B.C.
New Hope B.C.
New Life B.C.
Oakland B.C.
Parkway B.C.
Pleasant Grove B.C.
Post Oak B.C.
Round Pond B.C.
Shiloh B.C.
Stevenson B.C.
Sulphur Springs B.C.
Tabernacle B.C.
Temple Hill B.C.
Walnut Grove B.C.
Whippoorwill B.C.
Woodburn B.C.
Zion Lutheran

We've had lots of inquiries, and we want your church to be included! Don't delay! This is the last week to register!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Read all about it!

Pam Cassady has written a great article about the upcoming Girl of Worth conference in today's News-Democrat.

Check it out by clicking HERE.

Have you registered for the conference yet? Do it today! The deadline is July 20--one week away!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

We want your feedback!

After you catch the Morning Cruise with Suz, tune in to Feedback on Wednesday morning at 9:05 am, on WRUS 610am. We'll be talking with host Don Neagle about the Girl of Worth conference. We invite you to join us!

Got any questions about the event, what we're doing, and why we're doing it? Call in! We want to hear from you!


Please note: If you missed this two-part interview, you can listen to it anytime, online at The Morning Cruise page on WCVK's website. Just click on "As Heard on the Show."

Be listening to Christian Family Radio WCVK, 90.7 FM, tomorrow at 8:10 am to hear the interview we taped with "Suz"--DJ Susan West!

PICTURE: (L to R) Danya, Rebecca (me), Susan, and the Girl of Worth Conference Coordinator, Melody Gidcumb (not pictured is Melody's co-cordinator, Julia Stamps)

We had a great time visiting the WCVK studios and meeting Suz! She is just as great in person as she is on the air! She really has a heart for the Girl of Worth Conference and all the things that are planned for the day. She will be giving away a couple of copies of my book, Wise Up! Experience the Power of Proverbs and Danya's CD, Generation Jesus. So be listening! YOU just might win!


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Check it out! Midday Live

Be watching the Midday Live show on WBKO, channel 13, this Monday, July 9th! I'll be on sometime between 11:00 am and noon, and I am really looking forward to it! I'll be talking with anchor/host Whitney Ray, and I want to know that YOU are watching!

We are doing everything we can to let girls know about the Girl of Worth Conference... Television, Radio, this website, and other media outlets, but do you know how we can really spread the word? You tell your friends and invite them to join you! You won't want to miss out on this special day we have planned for you, and you'll enjoy it most if you share it with your friends!