Friday, August 31, 2007


How exciting!

The Girl of Worth Conference is once again in the news! Click here to go the online article by Pam Cassady published today in the Logan News-Democrat!

I have read many comments and received some great emails from some of you girls, and I love that you think I am funny! I love it when God uses me to make people laugh, especially when it is during a session on what can be a rather uncomfortable subject--like modesty! LOL!

I hope everyone has had a great week! Don't forget to take a look at Mrs. Cassady's article, and if you have something more you want to add, why not write a letter to the editor? Let's keep the buzz going!

You can also feel free to leave a comment here, on the Girl of Worth blog! Or drop me an note--I love getting your emails! Write to:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Rebecca!

Oh, How I wish I could come to Danya's concert Sunday the 9th. I'm speaking at a convention myself, so guess that's out! Hey! I just noticed the conference in Indiana...not too far from here, should we try to come to it? I will do what I can to make it.
