Friday, August 31, 2007


How exciting!

The Girl of Worth Conference is once again in the news! Click here to go the online article by Pam Cassady published today in the Logan News-Democrat!

I have read many comments and received some great emails from some of you girls, and I love that you think I am funny! I love it when God uses me to make people laugh, especially when it is during a session on what can be a rather uncomfortable subject--like modesty! LOL!

I hope everyone has had a great week! Don't forget to take a look at Mrs. Cassady's article, and if you have something more you want to add, why not write a letter to the editor? Let's keep the buzz going!

You can also feel free to leave a comment here, on the Girl of Worth blog! Or drop me an note--I love getting your emails! Write to:

Sunday, August 26, 2007


"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all in view of your participation in the Gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. For it is only right for me to feel this way about you all, because I have you in my heart. . ."

I would like to say a personal thanks to some very special people who made the Girl of Worth conference possible. First, the conference coordinator, Mrs. Melody Gidcumb. This woman is a spiritual dynamo! I will be forever thankful to the Lord that He allowed our paths to cross. I received an email from Melody on February 28, that began like this:

My name is Melody Gidcumb, and I live in Auburn, KY. I believe God is calling for a pre-teen conference, and I believe He has led me to you.

Melody and I began corresponding and soon God allowed us to meet. Most of the time I think we just stood by in amazement as God's plan unfolded! How thankful we both were to be allowed to be a part of such an incredible outreach to girls--girls, we soon found, who were just like we were at that age!

Mrs. Julia Stamps served as the conference co-coordinator. Julia, I think, can be best described as "grace under pressure." Her presence is simply calming. She is joyful and loving, and she is just the kind of "go to" person that you need when it comes to administrating an event like this. Whether we were dealing with pastors, powerpoint, or prayer, Julia's spirit was one filled with grace and dignity.

Ladies, from that very first meeting and that time of prayer that we shared together, I have been overwhelmed by your love for God and your passion for His Love to be received and recognized by a generation of girls who simply don't have a chance without knowing HIM! Thank you, and may God bless you richly for laying down your lives over the past six months.

Also, to Bro. Kenny Chyle and Liberty Baptist Church--you are an incredible, inspiring pastor and church family! From the very beginning, you made it clear that this conference was about what God wanted to do, and you simply offered your facility and your people to make it happen. You sacrificed time, finances, and resources for girls that you did not even know. You are a living example of what true Christianity is all about. Thank you, Church! You stepped up to the plate and hit it out of the park! Only God knows the many lives changed by your hearts joining Melody's and Julia's in obedience to God.


What a day! What an absolutely unforgettable day! I want you to know that God MOVED yesterday! My prayer, for the past six months, has been that lives would be transformed by a movement of God among us, and--PRAISE THE LORD!--I believe God answered that prayer! My life was changed, and I know that for over 300 girls who were present yesterday, God did a work in their hearts, too.

When we arrived at the church at 7:00 AM yesterday morning, it looked like this picture. It was quiet and serene, yet a buzz of activity was going on as members of Liberty Baptist were getting all the final morning details together. Thanks to the efforts of this loving church body, this conference came together like none other I have ever been a part of. Every detail was choreographed as part of a great master plan...and this church came together with the community as one great body--working not only hand in hand, but heart in heart. I have never seen anything like it. I am really amazed at how smoothly it all seemed to go. The Holy Spirit was spilling out over everything! As we gathered to pray before any of the girls got there, it was obvious that God had gone ahead of us, and He was coming behind us, and He was thoroughly enmeshed in every aspect of this day.

And then the girls started pouring in! As you can see here, we had a full house--a packed out, standing-room-only house! We'll have more pictures up in a few days, but I wanted to show you how full the church was! It was just incredible to see all your precious faces and get to talk to you and share with you what God had laid on my heart. Keep checking back here for pictures, and we are going to try to get podcasts and videos up of different portions of the conference, so that you can remember the things we talked about.

The Bible says that one of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to serve as a reminder to us of the things that God has taught us. My prayer for you now is that you will be reminded often of the things that we talked about, and that the Holy Spirit in you will also remind you of the commitment that you made to Christ in our last session. Lives were changed yesterday! Remember to keep the vision in front of you! Don't file it away! Don't let it get buried! Keep it UP FRONT!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Tomorrow!! Only a day away!

Hey Everybody!

All the last minute details have been tended to...the final music rehearsals...the decorations...the T-shirts...the tote bags...the folders...the FOOD!!!! And now, if you'll take a close look at the countdown clock, we are merely hours away from the very first Girl of Worth Conference!

Please don't forget to say those last minute prayers! Pray for the safety of those who are traveling! Pray for open hearts that are willing to listen to what the Lord has to say through His Word. We are eagerly anticipating a great move of God in all of our hearts! We long for Him to make Himself known, that we may glorify Him!

Are you ready for fun? I am! I am ready to have the time of my life sharing God's Word with all of you girls!

Get a good night's sleep...I can't wait to see YOU!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Got Milk? You Bet!

The Girl of Worth Conference coordinators would like to extend a big "thanks" to the folks at Purity who are donating milk for our breakfast on Saturday morning! Your generosity and support goes a long way in making this Saturday a very special day for the girls!

Also, another shout-out goes to Southern Foods of Bowling Green, who is donating 350 muffins! Thank you so much! What a blessing to have the support of these fine companies as we work together to help every girl realize her worth and value in God's eyes!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ten, Nine, Eight....Countdown to Girl of Worth Conference!

I can hardly believe that the Girl of Worth Conference is only ten days away! Are you ready? I know God is, and I am counting on Him to make sure that the rest of us are!

How can you prepare for this conference?

Be sure and stay in prayer for the conference.

Also, come with an attitude of flexibility! You will have the best time if you come willing to bend a little...maybe even a lot! It's going to be crowded! We will need to bless each other with a spirit of patience and a willingness to let others go first, for seats, for the ladies' room (LOL!), and for lunch!

Come with open ears...God wants to speak to you! Come ready to give Him your attention! You want to hear what He has to say to you, and you certainly don't want to be a distraction when He is trying to speak to others.

Come ready for fun! When God throws a party, you're going to have a great time! The Girl of Worth Conference is His gift to you!

Monday, August 6, 2007

300 Girls, 15 Dozen Donuts!

What's for breakfast?

When the doors open at 8:30 am on August 25th at the Girl of Worth Conference, we'll be having fresh donuts from the kind folks at Dixie Cream! Manager Tom Suoy has generously donated 15 dozen donuts! Our warmest thanks goes out to him! Stop by the Dixie Cream, 2505 Russellville Road in Bowling Green, say hello, and let Mr. Suoy know how much you appreciate his supporting this conference!